The CoReACTER logo: A cartoon of a reactor, with swirls of blue and green against a light blue background. Under the cartoon is text saying 'CoReACTER'.

Humans of the CoReACTER


A white person standing and smiling against a bright, mostly white background. They are wearing glasses and a white dress shirt with small dots. Half of their face is lit.

Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith (EWCSS) (they/them)
Current Position: Incoming Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, CMU


A white man with a beard and short, curly hair. He is wearing a white shirt, suit vest, green tie, and glasses, and he is slightly smiling at the camera. The background faintly shows some hills and trees.

Samuel M. Blau (he/him)
Current Position: Career Research Scientist, LBNL

A white woman is giving a wide smile. She stands against a plain, gray background. She is wearing glasses and a black and yellow top.

Rachel C. Kurchin (she/her)
Current Position: Assistant Research Professor, CMU

Visiting Researchers

Alumni and Former Affiliates

A South Asian woman with curly, wavy black hair gives a slight smile to the camera. She is wearing a striped white dress shirt against a light gray background.

Shreya Pagaria (she/her)
Current Position: Master's Student in Artificial Intelligence Engineering-Chemical Engineering

Interested in Joining?

Before you reach out or apply to work with us, it's a good idea for you to check out The CoReACTER Manual. If you like what you see and you feel aligned with our goals and philosophies, great! If you find yourself disagreeing with a lot of our core principles, this might not be a place where you want to devote your energy.

Graduate Students

The CoReACTER plans to hire two doctoral students in the Fall 2025 semester. One student will be working on developing computational methods to explore electrochemical reactivity using chemical reaction networks and multiscale modeling. The other student will be working on employing high-throughput experiments to design reactions for polymer recycling.


We do not currently have funding for postdoctoral researchers, but interested candidates who currently hold external funding or are willing to pursue postdoctoral fellowships are always welcome to reach out. Some opportunities for postdoc fellowships are provided in our resources page.


The CoReACTER always welcomes undergraduate researchers! CMU students can perform research for credit. It may also be possible to obtain funding for undergraduate research (e.g., through HURAY). No prior research experience is required to work in the CoReACTER, but a background in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, or computer science may be helpful.


If you are interested in working in the CoReACTER, please send an e-mail to EWCSS. In your message, please provide a CV and answer the following questions:

  1. What project(s) you are interested in working on?

  2. Why you are interested in this work, and in working in the CoReACTER?

  3. What is your least favorite word (in any language), and why?

All source code and software associated with this website is released under the MIT license. The text, including blog posts, are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Please attribute this work overall to The CoReACTER; Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith. Individual posts should be attributed to their authors. Last modified: January 31, 2025. This website was built with the Julia programming language and the Franklin.jl static web framework, building off of the "basic" template.