The CoReACTER logo: A cartoon of a reactor, with swirls of blue and green against a light blue background. Under the cartoon is text saying 'CoReACTER'.

This page is regularly updated with any papers published by the CoReACTER as an organization. Note that not all papers with ReACTERs as authors will be included here, but only papers borne out of CoReACTER projects. For a complete list of publications by EWCSS, you can check out their website.

Currently we have no publications out (we're a very new organization!), but check back soon.


Download all publications as BibTeX.




All source code and software associated with this website is released under the MIT license. The text, including blog posts, are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Please attribute this work overall to The CoReACTER; Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith. Individual posts should be attributed to their authors. Last modified: January 31, 2025. This website was built with the Julia programming language and the Franklin.jl static web framework, building off of the "basic" template.