The CoReACTER logo: A cartoon of a reactor, with swirls of blue and green against a light blue background. Under the cartoon is text saying 'CoReACTER'.


All science is political. From the questions that we ask and the approaches that we take to answer them to the relationships that we build and the ways that we (and others!) use science to make decisions, we are engaging in politics and driving political processes at various scales. Rather than try to ignore the role of politics in our scientific praxis, we are intentional and thoughtful about our political positionality.

The CoReACTER is an anti-oppressive research organization, aiming to subvert practices that are harmful and/or destructive to the well-being of ourselves, other humans, non-human life, and the planet. In particular, we align ourselves with:

and we actively oppose the forces of:

Academia is a deeply flawed system that is embedded in other flawed and harmful systems. Becuase of this, we cannot completely avoid engaging in Capitalism (modern research universities operate as capitalistic enterprises; we also need to finance our research), colonialism (CMU's campus is on stolen land, within a colonized country and colonizing nation-state), and nationalism (most research that takes place in the United States is publicly funded, and publicly funded research generally supports American national interests); perhaps this is also true of some of the other evils that we have outlined. Nonetheless, we openly challenge and subvert oppressive paradigms and structures where and how we can.

Our core principles, which guide us as we practice science, are:

All source code and software associated with this website is released under the MIT license. The text, including blog posts, are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Please attribute this work overall to The CoReACTER; Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith. Individual posts should be attributed to their authors. Last modified: January 31, 2025. This website was built with the Julia programming language and the Franklin.jl static web framework, building off of the "basic" template.